Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bleached hair blonde dye?

ok so a couple of days ago i bleached my hair from a light -medium brown to a light yellowish orangy color its not to bad but i would like to make it more of a white tone .so i`m tinking of gitting a perminit blonde dye in like a extream beige blone there called ulta lift blondes by garnier i also used the bleach by them, i would love to go an ash color but i`m scared my hair will turn is this a good idea i know about the damage but i dont dye my hair often so it is still pritty healthy even after bleaching it`s still soft.

Bleached hair blonde dye?

if your hair is orange like you said you need to use a green base toner... such as something like an ash blonde... its not going to make you blonder its pretty much going to make you the color on the box.... if you want to go blonder you need to bleach your roots with a higer level of proxide, use a powder bleach. then you need to get a toner with a blue or violet base... if i were you i would go to sally's or something.... before you are melting your hair...

Bleached hair blonde dye?

I would definately go to a salon and have your hair done! Where I live it costs around $50 for full color and $60 for foil highlights. The money that you spend there would be worth it in the end. Because if you mess up with permanent dyes, you could end up spending a fortune trying to fix it anyways!

Bleached hair blonde dye?

since your hair is orangy now, i dont think it will turn out green. ash colors and reddish or orangey colors ususally cancel each other out.

when i was in high school i ended up with greenish hair and i used strawberry blond to fix it. your the opposite but i think they still counteract each other either way...i hope im making sense lol...

Bleached hair blonde dye?

Bleaching your hair in any way fries it, and there's no way around it. I would say, instead of chancing it with something that says it bleaches, just use bleach, either way, your hair will be in bad shape. Don't go ashy, though. It looks bad on almost everyone. And you could always just use a toner to take out the orange tones, I think it would be a violet one. Careful not to leave it in too long, or your hair will turn a pale purple (it's happened to me...). Hope this helps. And if you need any more help, feel free to drop me a line.

Bleached hair blonde dye?

Shop bought dyes only lighten your hair a couple of shades. To save you ruining your hair or turning it a colour you do not want i would recommend you go to a salon. If you are sure you want to do this yourself, definately do a strand test first.

Bleached hair blonde dye?;...

Bleached hair blonde dye?

Your ruining the environment. Those leftover boxes, chemicals left in the bottles leak out in landfills. Animals get into it eat it get sick and die. Don't forget about your water drinking supply, the water you shower in.

Feel any better?

Shave it off, start over.

To bad you cannot accept yourself as who your true DNA is supposed to be.

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