Saturday, August 1, 2009

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

Because I know of healthy people going vegan and noticed their hair thinning out.

I want to know if my hair would thin out, because my veggie diet would be even more restrictive..

help! love

scottie x

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

I'm vegan, and my hair is thick - and that's even after having dreadlocks chopped off (a stereotype, I know...) Please don't rush into it, it's something that you should really research and ease into... Variety is the key.

In response to a previous answer, I have a few things to correct:

* we don't need meat in our diet, in today's society, it is easy enough to find protein, iron, et cetera, from various other sources

* vegans are less prone to cancer in comparison to meat-eaters - disease is very rare amongst us

* vegans live approximately 14 years more than meat-eaters (according to a survey done in the last year)

* Skin problems are usually caused by excess milk absorption... I don't know any vegans with noticeably bad skin

* By "all meat would die out", I'm assuming that's supposed to be animals - it's one of the oldest questions, whether it's an excuse to bring something into the world only to cause it to suffer, and eventually death - animals are not reliant on us in the least - and humane?

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

Yes - and so will your teeth, nails and eyeballs.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

Why take that chance? My hair thinned out a few years ago when I was very anemic. It took a few years for it to come back.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

i dont think that it makes your hair fall out i think thatvit just makes it more unhealthy

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

you need to find protein in beans and nuts.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

Not if you make sure your body's nutritional needs are being met through supplements. It's a lot of extra work so please think carefully before adopting a vegan lifestyle.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

no not true - I am veggie and have beautiful thick hair. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies and take a multi vitamin supplement

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

Hey, my hair is falling out and I am not a vegan. Technically you wouldn't be loosing out on protein if you are eating beans and peanut butter.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

Well, I started about 8 months ago and I haven't noticed much of a difference. I'm 50 though so any loss would probably been normal, add the fact that I fail allot at sticking to this diet, and my answer probably would be considered a not too likely candidate for an example.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

nope. I know plenty of vegans with thick hair. Hair is made of protein so just make sure you eat a lot of protein.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

no thats absurd

one thing you have to do is talk to a health proffesional and ask him certain questions about nutrition. ask him what foods you would have to eat to get all your nutrients, if you skip out on nutrients, then that might cause your hair to fall out. make sure you get all nutrients i can't stress how important that is.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

that's crazy talk!

i know lotsa vegans and i've been vegan for at least 6 years

and i've never heard anybody say anything about hair thinning.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

No it wont make your hair fall out!!!!

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?

The problem is people just think they can cut out meat from their diet and not change the rest of the ways they eat. You need to be eating other foods that will give you the nutrients that the meat would give you. Being a vegetarian may be kind of hard if you are a picky eater. Do some research for different foods and recipes and remember to keep your mind open and try everything. If you are going completely vegan then you will have to do the same thing for dairy. Just pay attention to what you are eating at first and try new things. It will get easier after a short while.

If I go vegan, will my hair fall out?


My mum was once a vegan...she is 43 now and her hair is quite thin, split and grey...

I don't think you should become one...because all meat we eat for a reason such as

- We need meat in our diet

- We are pron to cancer without it

- You will most like die young without it

- It makes wrinkles appear without it

- Your skin is bad without it

- If we didn't eat meat almost all meat would die out because noone is looking after it (most meat is now in the human care so is reliant on humans)

- There is lots more reasons!

ALL I SAY IS DON'T BECOME A VEGAN THERE IS NO POINT! you will die young and be ugly!

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