Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hair straghteneing?

i straighten my hair alot, but it is still healthy-- no worries. i just got a product from loreal though for straightening, but the dirctions are confusing. it says it goes on after wet or something, but what is the point of the product? i think thats what im asking...and what does it do for your hair that they even made it? thanks!! %26gt;%26gt;does it keep your hair straighter,longer?

Hair straghteneing?

They don't do anything except protect your hair from the heat. I've got the loreal one as well. It does not make any difference visually but in time it will just protect my hair for as long as I straighten my hair. I think you should use so it doesn't damage your hair in a few years time.

Hair straghteneing?

Surely it will keep your hair straighter but it will keep straight only for three months.Its duration can also be increased by controlling the hairs in beauty manner.Say as keep the hairs open (dont ware any hat), its sufficient to take bath for twice a week rather than daily. Not to be in hot sun for long duration, not to comb your hair repeatedly.

When you follow these things then your hair will be straight and also it will be strong and long.

Hair straghteneing?

If you want a straight long hair you have to rely on the product you are using and need not to worry. A natural hair is beyond compare to a hair done artificially.

Hair straghteneing?

hmmm haven't tried that i might put it on my things to experience list

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