Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

It's an illusion...your hair tends to grow the same...maybe even faster in the summer as you sweat it grows faster. But the flip-side is if your getting rid of split ends it will not break which therefore give the appearance of growing faster because it has a chance!

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

...self-explanatory really, you have more energy and vitality so the body gets carried away with itself and MULTIPLIESSSS!!!!!!!

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

It does not.Hair grows at a 1/2" rate per month no matter what you do.

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

You can also take prenatal vitamins to help your hair and nails grow. Just ask anyone who has ever taken them. They will tell ya.

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

Hair grow an average of 1/2" per month. Some people's tends to grow faster...others slower. When the hair is damaged it begins to break. Sometimes this breakage causes the hair to break off faster from the ends than it is growing out of the follicle. So it gives the impression that the hair is not growing. This is why it's imperative to have regular hair cuts. Especially when one is growing their hair longer.

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

Because virtually any illness can trigger hair loss.Illness causes

a change in the body's chemistry and any change in your body's chemistry could potentially lead to hair loss . Illnesses such as

Cushing's Syndrome,malnutrition,hypothyroidism,Sys... Lupus Erythematosus,Zinc Deficiency,Hyperthyroidism,Anorexia and Bulimia.Cellulitis, and thyroid problems all can cause hair loss,Even starting or stopping some medications can cause your hair to fall out.he hair loss caused by these problems is called diffuse hair loss or telogen effluvium. The good news is that, although you may lose hair from all over your scalp, you will not go completely bald. Your hair should begin to return to normal about three months after the problem is corrected.

Whey does hair grow faster when healthier?

why do we grow when we are healthy? That question is self explanatory.

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