Thursday, July 23, 2009

Growing out hair!?

i have really beautiful brown hair (so i've been told)

it's pretty thick, and really healthy too

right now it's about 7 or 8 inches below my shoulders. so i've decided to grow it out.

what will help it grow fast?

i 閳?my hair!

Growing out hair!?

You can grow your hair pretty fast by using prenatal pills, you can purchase these over the counter at Target, or Wal-Mart. Or you can go to the beauty supply store and buy some Wild Grow hair oil, this stuff works really good! Don't forget to trim your hair every 6 wks.

Growing out hair!?

get a trim...that always helps...i know it sounds crazy. but it gets rid of the old ends. and split ends.

Growing out hair!?

make sure to get it trimmed frequently to get rid of the split ends. also, avoid high heat styling bcuz that will damage it a lot.

Growing out hair!?

mane n tale

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Growing out hair!?

Good nutrition. Hair grows from the inside out.

Growing out hair!?

just cut it a little!! then it will grow ask ur hairstylist

Growing out hair!?

dont put your hair up alot. it will let the hair hang and it will grow faster that way. that is how mine grows so fast.

Growing out hair!?

every 4-6 weeks get your hair trimmed about 1/2 just to get rid of the split ends (which helps growth) drink lots of water. vitamins B C F zinc and iron copper and protein are essential for hair growth.Eating raw fruits and vegetables are very impotant for healthy hair for more info try this website...http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c...

Growing out hair!?

Only time. Hair on average grows 6 inches a year. Everybody hair grows at a genetically different rate though. Just keep your hair healthy and it will grow faster. Don't cut it too often either. Cutting hair doesn't make hair grow faster because hair is dead and split ends just make hair look ragged. I would advise trimming split ends because it make hair look neater. I would suggest trimming split ends only when necessary so you can maximize the amount of hair you keep. Eat healthy and avoid the gimmick that claim rapid hair growth. They won't do any good.

Good luck

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