Thursday, July 23, 2009

A few questions about frizzy hair...?

1- Would you classify the short broken hairs which stand up all over my head frizz?

2- Does a straightner get rid of this problem?

3- Has anyone ever used sunsilk for frizz or moisture and do they work?

I dye my hair often and now after putting blonde highlights in it I have alot of broken hair which makes my hair basicly look frizzy... I waited a little over a month to redye it and now I just want a way to stop the frizz that doesn't make my hair look greasy. I am also trying to get it to grow again... getting sick of the shoulderlength hair and want it long and healthy looking again.

Please help

A few questions about frizzy hair...?

i have the same problem and i started using sunsilk de-frizz ansd so far its working!

A few questions about frizzy hair...?

Yes, sunsilk really works. I received a free sample and went right out and bought it. Use all three products. It smells great too. Also use a styling product with the main ingredient of cyclomethicone- more on ends that roots. What you're describing of short ends sticking out is new growth. If you want really healthy hair, you're probably going to have to lay off the dye and go back to natural color- you can always add highlight. Healthy brown hair is way more attractive than unhealthy blonde. Know what I mean?

A few questions about frizzy hair...?

okay get this straight the broken hairs are split ends ! you shouldnt dye your hair any more until your hair gets better

A few questions about frizzy hair...?

Either your over processing your hair with your color, or you just have short broken hairs from overuse of your straightner, having said that l have seen clients like this that is just the way their hair is, guess it is genetics. Evaluate how you are treating your hair, if you are damaging it, then repair it with a good reconstructer, and do not overuse your straightner cause it will damage your hair. Also Rusk has an awesome product called Sheer Brilliance, it is a polisher, use it after the blowdry and it will make those little hairs lie down and behave.

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