Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

i've heard it make your hair grow faster, but is that true? and if it is, then can it be harmful to my hair? what other ways could i make my hair grow faster but in a healthy way? im not trying to grow hair, just make grow it longer. thanks!

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

Hey hun, I dont know about all horse shampoo, but mane and tail is great. It does make your hair healthy, but inbetween washings you are going to want to use a clensing shampoo like Herbal Essence because the horse shampoo will build up on your hair over time and choke it.

Now, I know it sounds silly, but if you cut all of the dead ends off your hair it will grow faster. Also, if you dye or straighten your hair or use ALOT of product in your hair a hot oil treatment will help keep the ends from splitting. Read the directions. Some you will do once a week and some are once a month.

I recommend going to Sally Beauty Supply stores and talking to a rep there to match your hair type with the proper products. The good thing? If you dont like anything you purchased you can return it for a full refund (keep your reciept and pay attention to the return time) even if you have opened it and tried the product.

Good Luck.

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

ive seen it make hair grow faster and longer, as for being harmful, that depends on if you start craving hay and oats, and whinnie alot. LOL j/k

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

Like shampoo for horses? Sounds like rubbish to me, it would just be a cheaper version of people shampoo.

Keep your hair healthy %26amp; keeping the ends trimmed is the trick to growing it long.

Include eggs, nuts and lots of veggies in your diet. Drink lots of water blah, blah, blah.

Regularly condition the ends (below your ears).

Check for split/damaged ends to the hair. Once there is damage you need to trim it off or your hair will not grow.

Use a shampoo that works for you is all I can say. One that makes your hair feel clean and in good condition, I use herbal essences cause it works for me.

Ed: Ok, I stand corrected. ; ) It still won't make it grow faster though, be careful it doesn't dry out your hair.

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

mane and tail is great.....its even in some of my 17 and teen vogue and cosmo girl magazines!

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

well first to lena^^ it definitely isnt cheaper than human shampoo!! they are quite strong.. as they are used to take grease and caked in dirt out of the horses tails etc!! so i dont suggest using it too often!

Is horse shampoo good for you hair?

yes alot pf people use horse shampoo and love the results it's called mane and tail my aunt uses it =]

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