I have a 10 wk old female boxer. She is up to date on shots. She is losing small patches of hair all over her body. Acting healthy. I took her to the vet yesterday we checked for mites, fleas and hives. It's none of those. He said he has never seen this before. She had some redness in her paws and swelling. He put her on an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory med. But he said we are just treating the symptoms. If this doesn't work, we will have a dermatologist look at her and then if they do not know what is going on, we will have to do a skin sample. Any ideas what this could be?
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
Sounds like she is allergic to something! Finding what it is, is the costy part. I hope you find what it is inexpensively.
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
You said it's not mange but she has all the signs of it.
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
I don't think that you would get much help here, if you have already researched all of the possibilities. Possible allergy if they vet can not find anything. Best bet is to go to a specialist or at least get a second opinion.
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
Hmm she may have skin allergy's.Take her to the vet she may be allergic to something.Take her and she will get medication.
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
the tests for mange (skin scrapes) aren't always accurate. You may end up repeating that one. Also the quick tests for fungul infections aren't accurate at all. Those have to be cultured to be fairly accurate.
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
I would consult another vet if this vet is saying there are no signs of allergies. Redness in paws is a definte sign of allergy. I would also ask for a new skin scraping if the patches of hair missing are about the size of an eraser head. Good luck
10 wk old boxer with hair loss.?
Veterinarians try to get a diagnosis by scraping the dogs skin. Those pieces of skin are then examined under a microscope for mites. Because they are burrowing creatures, mites are not always present on or near the surface of the skin when the scraping takes place.
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