Sunday, July 26, 2009

Excessive Hair Loss?

I am a relatively healthy 22 year old female, what could be some reasonings for excessive hair loss. I has been going on for about 2-3 months now. Only serious answers respond please!

Excessive Hair Loss?

what do you mean by excessive hair loss? a normal woman loses between 100-200 strands of hair per day and this is normal. it may look a lot but it doesn't make a woman bald.

but if you really are losing more than that amount of hair a day, i suggest washing your hair less often, don't brush or comb your hair, and improve your nutrition. eat lots of protein and take supplements. i recommend Nutrilite Hair, Skin, and Nails: it's made from natural acerola cherries (world's richest source of Vit C) and collagen. that should vastly help the situation. do see your doctor if it's really bothering you, but it's rare for hair loss cases with young healthy women to be THAT serious.

Excessive Hair Loss?

Click on shredsrat answers I have answered questions of this nature before

Excessive Hair Loss?

Read some very effective tips and articles on how to prevent hair loss on this site

Excessive Hair Loss?

usually is stress. eating a lot of fast food can cause excessive hair loss also.

Excessive Hair Loss?


I would advice you to try some home based remedies for skin ,hair and weight problems, this link has some good information it sure did help me so here goes,

good luck

Excessive Hair Loss?

It depends on what you mean by loose 1000 hairs a day....and the longer your hair is the more excessive that seems but it's normal. If you think you are loosing more than that maybe you should speak with your doctor. There are many reasons for hair loss.

Excessive Hair Loss?

it can be two reasons :

1. fungi infection can be treated by your common antifungal

2. stress

either way, you must consult your doctor for the proper treatment

Excessive Hair Loss?

Could be hormonal. Have you recently had a baby, if so than it's normal. Or could be your thyroid-go have a doctor run a test. Or you might not be getting enough nutrients (ie-not eating enough)

Excessive Hair Loss?

It could be from stress. If you are worried contact your dr.

Excessive Hair Loss?

stress, hormones, thyroids, poor diet, maybe to much pulling of the hair..

Excessive Hair Loss?

I had the same problem when I was about your age. I think it was stress from being away at college for me. That can mess up hormones. I would see a doctor first. He will probably want to do blood tests to see if it is thyroid or vit/mineral deficiency. Sometimes anemia can cause it too. There are a lot of treatments out there now for hair loss but you have to find the cause first so you can correct it fairly quickly.

Excessive Hair Loss?

Hair grows in cycles, which comprises of three stages:

閳?Anagen or growing phase

閳?Catagen or resting phase

閳?Telogen or falling phase

The length of the growth phase determines the length of the hair. Life of each hair on an average is 3 years, 4 months. A normal healthy individual has nearly 80 - 120 hairs fall per day. Hair fall is always more when you wash your hair or oil it because this is when most of the hair, which is in the telogen phase, falls off.

Causes of hair fall:

Hair roots are very sensitive to bodily changes. Thus anything going wrong in the body can reflect on the hair leading to hair fall.

Common causes are:

閳?Physiological: During pregnancy and after delivery.

閳?Improper diet habits leading to anaemia and other deficiencies.

閳?Psychological: Stress, emotional disturbances, etc.

閳?Chronic illness and wasting diseases e.g., T.B., Thyroid, Jaundice, Cancer etc.

閳?Drugs and chemicals: Side effects of certain drugs can cause hair fall in some people.

閳?Common drugs like oral contraceptives, drugs taken to control B.P, anti-thyroid drugs, pain killers etc.

閳?Excessive intake of vitamin A and drugs given for psychiatric disorders can also cause hair loss.

閳?Heredity: Common baldness is heredity and mainly seen in males.

閳?Hormonal imbalance.

Local causes:

閳?Infections of scalp like Tinea capitis, Dermatomyosis etc.

閳?Unhygienic scalp.

閳?Improper conditioning.

Other Causes:

閳?Excessive use of hair driers

閳?Hair dyes, gels, colors etc unsuitable to the hair.


閳?Lack of care

Excessive Hair Loss?

Hair Growth Vitamins

Hair Loss Prevention

Excessive Hair Loss?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:/Hairloss/ Hair care

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Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/



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