Thursday, July 23, 2009

I just got my hair cut short and I want it to grow long.How do i keep it super healthy while I am wa

my hair is dirty blonde thick and coarse and sort of dry. it also has a lot of split ends so if you could recommend a cheap shampoo and conditioner that would be great.

I just got my hair cut short and I want it to grow long.How do i keep it super healthy while I am waiting.?

trim off the split ends!!

Hair growth depends on many factors, like what you eat, the season of the year, etc. so there are limits beyond which you can't go. For instance, you can't expect that your hair will grow 2 inches in a month only because you wash it everyday. On the contrary, when you wash it everyday, chances are that you will exhaust it pretty soon. It is true that if you wash your hair frequently, it will help hair growth faster but never forget that frequent washes also lead to hair loss.

You could also take vitamins or pills. take a balanced diet. take care of your hair properly, make sure its healthy %26amp; does not have any split ends or hairfall or dandruff etc becz they might slow down the growth of your hair. also improper haircare is not good for hair, here are a few tips for better haircare.

# Heated appliances like blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons, and crimpers are strictly forbidden. They damage your hair.

# use a shampoo thats designed for your hair type.

# take a balanced diet. stay away from junk food.

#stay away from pollution!!

# do hot oil massage/protein treatment once in a week.

# as hair grows long, it tends to get damaged at the ends

so trim your hair always.

# massaging it gently by using special masks/balms/pastes/ lotions/oils help.

# brush it before going to bed.

# Before you shampoo, comb or brush your hair to remove loose hairs and to straighten out tangles.

# Avoid tight braids and pony tails. When you pull your hair to achieve these styles you are placing stress at the roots that are already bearing the weight of your hair. Anything you do that causes hair to fall out or to be pulled out should be stopped immediately and not repeated.

# include fish, milk, meat, cheese, cereal,yougurt,

dark green vegetables, tomatos,water,Seafood,nuts, mangoes, spinach etc in your diet.

# Make sure you excersise properly so that it will ensure the blood flow to your scalp, and will help the growth for hair.

# Shampoo your hair twice a week %26amp; condition once a month.

Nutritional tips to hair growth :-

1. Eat adequate amounts of protein.

Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.

Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. It is obvious then that sufficient portions of protein rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains and seeds. At least 15% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods.

2. Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates.

Carbs are an essential source of energy and help in the growth of body tissues, including hair. They are an important source of the B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair.

It is important that you concentrate on consuming non-refined carbs rather than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many over-refined carb products. You should place an emphasis on consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes. It is recommended that you obtain 55-60% of your daily calories from the carbohydrates found in these foods.

3. Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats.

Fat is used in energy production and can be found in both animal and plant foods. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of lean animal and plant sources. Roughly 25-30% of your daily calories should come from these sources.

#If you are in a phase of actively trying to grow out your hair, you may want to supplement your protein intake with liver. Some nutritional experts also recommend brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and granulated lecithin to help your body process the protein. Visit your local health food store and ask to speak to a counselor who will help you make good choices about diet and the use of supplements.

When you are trying to grow hair, vitamins help.

# Avoid foods that are greasy and fatty. They will disrupt your digestive system and potentially make your scalp and hair more oily. Minimize your intake of salt as it will raise your blood pressure and affect blood circulation in your scalp.

here are a few home remedies for your hair..................

* Beat an egg. Apply on scalp %26amp; wash after 1hr with shampoo. egg strengthens hair %26amp; makes it thicker.

its also a good conditioner for hair.

*Soak the green beans for one night. Filter it and then take the filtered green beans water and rub to your hair. Massage your skinhead gently. Do it regularly until your hair is appearing thick and healthy.

*Grind fenugreek seeds in water and apply on your scalp.

Wash off after 40 minutes. Do this every morning for a month.

*Boil rosemary leaves in water and use this water while washing your hair daily to improvehair growth.

*Boil 1 cup of celery leaves with stems, strain and add juice of 1 lemon. You can rinse your hair with this after washing your hair. It makes your hair look healthy and lustrous.

*Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.

*Massage the scalp with egg yolk, leave for 1 hour and wash.

*Massaging your scalp vigorously with your fingers promotes hair growth.

*Rub olive oil into the scalp to promote hair growth.

*Massage warm castor oil + almond oil into your scalp gently.

Wrap a hot towel around your scalp so it gets absorbed into the hair. Do this twice a week for healthy, shiny hair.

*Take an egg yolk and lather into wet hair. Leave in for a few minutes and it helps condition and adds protein, which helps against breakage and hair loss.

*Add 2-3 drops of honey to a glass of water and use this as the last rinse after shampooing.

*Massage into the scalp and hair coconut milk or

Aloe Vera gel. Leave it for an hour, then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times a week.

*Mix equal amount of warm castor and almond oil and massage over scalp once a week.

* Make a shampoo by mixing 100 g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for your hair for at least one month. Your hair will become thick.

*To control hairfall, Grind hibiscus leaves and apply on hair, allow it for 20-30 minutes and then take headbath. Do this weekly twice.

* Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use it. Combine coconut milk with lemon juice proportionately and apply to your hair. Leave it for half an hour and wash it. Wash your hair with mild shampoos. Prefer herbal shampoos or shikakai,amla etc.

* Make a hair pack by mixing amla (Indian goose berry) powder with one egg. Apply it to your hair and leave for half an hour. Wash hair.

* Rinse hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help hair grow.

* Prepare a mixture by adding1/2 cup olive oil with 2 or 3 tablespoons tea tree oil. Apply to hair and rub into scalp. Leave on hair for 30 min. to 1 hr. Wash hair to remove oil. This is very effective home remedy for head lice.

Homemade Herbal Hair Shampoo.

Here is a natural shampoo that you can make.

First collect the following items:

4 oz of castile soap with any scent is that available 閳?plain, peppermint, eucalyptus.

闄?oz of rosemary - stimulates the hair follicles and helps to prevent premature baldness.

闄?oz of sage 閳?has antioxidants and keeps things from spoiling and is antibacterial.

闄?oz of nettles 閳?acts as a blood purifier, blood stimulator, contains a large source of nutrients for hair growth.

闄?of lavender 閳?controls the production of sebaceous gland oil and reduces itchy and flaky scalp conditions.

2000 mg of MSM 閳?provides organic sulfur to your scalp, which improves the health and strength of your hair. It also helps to drive herbal nutrient into the skin and follicles where they can do the most good.

One empty 8 oz plastic bottle, or any other empty shampoo or soap bottle.

Mix the herbs in a mason jar, which has a lid. Boil 2 cups of distilled water. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water. Pull the boiling water and herbs off the stove. Let the herb mixture sit for 30 閳?40 minutes. Put the 2000mg of MSM into the herb mixture after 30 minutes of cooling. After 40 minutes and the MSM is melted, strain the herbal mixture into a bowl.

Pour 2 to 2 1/2 oz of strained herbal tea into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Now, pour the 4 oz of castile soap into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Cap the bottle and shake to mix the ingredients.

The shampoo is now finished and ready for use. Use this as a base for all of the shampoos you make. You can add different herbs as you learn what these herbs do and how they help your hair. You can vary the ingredients according to your taste. But now you have a shampoo that has no additives that can harm you.

Note: MSM is called methylsulfonylmethane, an organic sulphur compound. You can get it in gel, liquid, powder, cream or capsule form. Consult your doctor before using MSM, especially if you are using medications.

this website is great...

hope this helps!

[ sorry if its too long!]

I just got my hair cut short and I want it to grow long.How do i keep it super healthy while I am waiting.?

if you need a name of a cheep shamppo my freind uses swave and it helps her hair out good , and she is also trying to grow hers long. so she has me trim it the ends only every 3 monthes to keep the split ends down to a minimon. but one good hint to making your hair grow fast is to massage your scalp trust me it works the thing that they say about the more u cut ur hair the faster it grows is untrue so i hope that helped and good luck

I just got my hair cut short and I want it to grow long.How do i keep it super healthy while I am waiting.?

well cheap shampoo and conditioner is not the way to go... if you want your hair to stay healthy you have to go with more expensive hair products.. if you are buying shampoos and things at walmart target or any place like they are all watered-down... they are not the real thing and they don't work very well... but if you have to go cheap then just get Biolouge Matrix shampoo and conditioner from walmart or target... it doesn't work well but if you really need cheap then just get that... they have very many kinds for all kinds of hair.. i personally like the orange bottle because it smoothes your hair so that might be good for your coarse hair.

I just got my hair cut short and I want it to grow long.How do i keep it super healthy while I am waiting.?

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth and make it healthier, so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

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